Pet Wellbeing

Keen to know how often you should wash your dog or how to weigh them accurately (crucial if you want your flea and worming treatments to be effective!)? We'll walk you through all that and more, here.


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Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

47% increase in flea infestations in 2023... Why?!

2023 is the year of the flea! With infestations up 47% in 2023, it is more important than ever to keep your beloved pets and home protected against these pesky parasites!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding Anxiety In Dogs

Let's talk about a topic that's close to many of our hearts: anxiety in dogs. Our furry friends can experience stress and anxiety just like us, and as responsible pet parents, it's essential to understand the signs, treatments, and ways to alleviate our canine companions' anxiety.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Labradors At 5 Years Old - Understanding Hypothyroidism

As our beloved labs hit the milestone of 5 years old, it's essential to stay vigilant about their health. Here we'll talk you through Hypothyroidism - a condition which often affects Labs, and many common medium-large dog breeds. It can have significant impacts on your pup's well-being, so let's explore what it's all about and how to navigate it together.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Labradors At 2 Years Old - Understanding Dental Disease

Hey Lab lovers! Let's talk about a crucial aspect of our furry friends' health: dental care. As our Labradors hit the ripe age of 2, they become particularly susceptible to dental disease. A dog's lifespan can be shortened by 1-3 years if they get dental disease, so it's essential to pay close attention to their dental health to ensure they lead happy and healthy lives. So, grab a biscuit (for you or your Lab, your choice!) and let's delve into the world of dental disease in Labs together!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding Cat Anxiety & Stress

If you've ever noticed your cat acting a bit more withdrawn, hiding away, or engaging in unexpected behaviours, you might be witnessing the subtle signs of cat anxiety and stress. This article will unravel the mysteries behind feline stress, explore the telltale signs, and introduce a magical solution – pheromone diffusers.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How To Stay Flea Free In 2024

With flea infestations up 47% in 2023, it’s important to get yourself prepped for 2024 to keep your pets, home and self happy and healthy! This article gives you our top tips on how to prevent these pesky parasites from taking over 2024.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How Often Should you Wash your Dog?

You love your dog - that's a given - but at times, they’re probably the most gross creature you’ve ever met. From rolling around in poop in the woods to burying dead seagull carcasses at the beach, they don’t do themselves any favours in the smell department!

In these cases it’s smart to stick them straight in the bath as soon as you get home. But how do you know when to give them a bath the rest of the time?

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to Keep Your Cat Cool in the Summer

Just like us humans, many cats enjoy spells of warmer weather! However, they can also overheat and risk developing complications such as heat stroke. Cats more at risk of illness as a result of the mercury rising include very old or young cats, cats with a dense, fluffy coat and those with pre-existing medical conditions. 

Felines with flat faces (you might hear these being referred to as brachycephalic breeds) like Persian cats and Scottish folds also have a harder time regulating their temperatures because of their shorter nasal passages.

 Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do as a cat parent to keep your puss comfortable and extra chill in warm weather!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to Weigh Your Dog at Home

Keeping an eye on your dog’s magic number (the ideal weight for their breed and age) is super important.

If you know your dog’s weight, it's easier to work out things like how much food they should eat, or the amount of flea or worm treatment to give them. Getting the right treatment is the safest and most effective way to prevent your dog getting fleas or worms.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pheromone Diffusers for Cats - How Do They Work?

Not all cats are cool cats all the time. If your kitty is showing signs of stress or anxiety, there’s one method that’s been proven to help them feel safe, happy and relaxed, and that’s a plug-in pheromone diffuser for cats.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pet Af-furmations - Itch creates a unique audio calming experience for pets and humans

At Itch, not only do we provide award winning flea, tick and worm solutions, and a range of other pet health and well-being products, we also offer Itch Insure giving our subscribers up to 17% off their pet insurance.

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