Does your vet really care about your pet?

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What’s really going on?

Don’t be mugged off.

Shop Itch to get rich

Sending your pet to the vet is never going to be a cheap day out but the record shows that the cost of vet consultations and treatments are at an all time high, and it’s not going to slow down any time soon. On average, a trip to the vets in this day and age will cost you around £400.* Don’t fall into the vet bill trap, scroll to find our top tips to get the best bang for your buck when looking after your pup.

What’s really going on?

After recent concerns that vet bills in the UK have been rapidly increasing, the competition regulator, CMA, has issued a full investigation into the cost of veterinary treatment and medication. The investigation will address vet bills, transparency on pricing and other important issues that affect pet families. The CMA have brought to light already that 60% of veterinary practices in the UK are owned by private equity corporations. Just shy of a decade ago, this number was as low as 10%, so with less independent vets around, pet parents should stay alert when it comes to their pennies and pooch.**

Don’t be mugged off.

Our tips to doing right by your pet:

  • Always shop around. The best deal won’t always be staring you in the face so try to visit other vets or look for online alternatives.

  • Don’t panic in the face of healthcare. It’s very normal to say a quick yes to medication encouraged by a vet, but remember you don’t have to purchase without thinking about it. If it’s not an emergency, consider buying your pet’s medication elsewhere (it might be cheaper).

  • Be annoying and ask questions. Try to ask for all treatment options as some vets primarily push the most expensive option or don’t explicitly tell you individual prices.

Shop Itch to get rich

Just kidding. We can’t make every single pet owner a lottery winner but we certainly can save you money!

Our subscription service means across the year you save money on the cost of flea and worming treatment, compared to a one off purchase. To not break the bank, your first month with us is FREE and from your second month onwards, delivery is always free!

Our Itch Flea treatment and Itch Wormer contains the strongest and most effective active ingredients, whilst requiring no expensive vet prescription. With our buy on your phone and deliver to your home service, there is no stress of taking your nervous furball to the vets and queuing in that noisy waiting room.

Once you order your Itch Flea plan, you are officially in the Itch pack and all our members can access their account online. This could be to change pet details or upgrade your plan - whatever it is, it’s all in the comfort of your own home. If you end up having any burning questions or need some furry advice, we have a friendly team of experts on hand to help you out. Drop us a DM on any of our socials, @itchpet or contact us here.

Shop our full pet wellness range at 🐾

Where we got the facts from:

*BBC News, 2024, Source: 
**Sky News, 2024, Source:
