Itch Blog

From keeping them protected from parasites to taking care of their wider health needs, we’ve got a range of practical tips, step-by-step guides and expert insights to keep your furry sidekick at their brilliant-yet-bonkers best.


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Our Top Picks

Flea Treatment Issues

Why is my pet still scratching after applying a flea treatment?

Not all flea treatments are created equal. So it may be the treatment you used hasn’t done the job and you need to use something stronger. Itch Flea Treatment is a vet-strength, double action spot on treatment that not only contains Fipronil but also (unlike lots of other flea treatments), (S) Methoprene. Treatments that also include (S) Methoprene, like Itch Flea Treatment not only target the adult fleas feeding on your pets and kills them dead in 24 hours (and ticks in 48 hours), but also targets flea eggs and larvae, stopping the fast and furious flea life cycle dead in its tracks to stop new fleas developing.

We asked in-house Itch vet, Dr. Zoe Costigan to give us the lowdown on why your cat or dog might still be scratching after applying a flea treatment to your pet. Here's what she had to say:

“It’s fairly normal for there to be a period of hyperactivity amongst the fleas as the active ingredients in a flea treatment take effect and this can cause an increase in your pet scratching. It should settle down after 24 hours. If after 24 hours your pet continues to scratch, there could be other things going on. Your pet could be flea-allergic, it could have a skin infection or a hormone imbalance, or other conditions which can lead to itchiness.”

Worming Treatment

How long do worming tablets take to work?

Worms are definitely not something you want hanging around your pets. To keep your furry friend healthy and happy, you turn to worming tablets. But have you ever wondered how long it takes for these tablets to do their job? This article discusses the whole world of worming tablets, exploring common ingredients, shedding light on our Itch Worming Tablets and answering the burning question: how long do worming tablets take to work? By the end, you'll have a better understanding of what to expect when you're worming your pet.

Ticks Treatment

Temperatures that kill ticks

Ah, the British weather – a topic that never fails to spark conversation. From scorching summer days to frosty winter mornings, we Brits love to discuss our dull climate. But did you know that our weather isn't just a talking point? It also plays a crucial role in the lives of some less welcome guests – ticks.

Does cold affect ticks? Can you use heat to kill ticks? What are the temperatures that kill ticks? Let’s answer all the questions you might have.


Top Questions

Q&A Flea

How does a dog get fleas?

Q&A Worm

Can you give worming tablets to kittens?

Q&A Ticks

What do ticks look like on dogs?


Latest Articles

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to weigh your dog at home

Keeping an eye on your dog’s magic number (the ideal weight for their breed and age) is super important.

If you know your dog’s weight, it's easier to work out things like how much food they should eat, or the amount of flea or worm treatment to give them. Getting the right treatment is the safest and most effective way to prevent your dog getting fleas or worms.

Worming Treatment

How often should you worm your pet?

Intestinal worms are no picnic. They can cause a whole host of health problems in your pets including diarrhoea, tummy pain, weight loss and anaemia. In extreme cases, they can even be fatal. As if that’s not bad enough, they can also do some serious damage to people too! So often do you need to give your pet worming treatment? The answer depends on various factors, including the type of pet, their age, lifestyle, and risk of exposure. Carry on reading to find out more...

Worming Treatment

How long do worming tablets take to work?

Worms are definitely not something you want hanging around your pets. To keep your furry friend healthy and happy, you turn to worming tablets. But have you ever wondered how long it takes for these tablets to do their job? This article discusses the whole world of worming tablets, exploring common ingredients, shedding light on our Itch Worming Tablets and answering the burning question: how long do worming tablets take to work? By the end, you'll have a better understanding of what to expect when you're worming your pet.

Worming General

How do pet worming tablets work?

Pet worming tablets are an integral part of maintaining your furry companion's health and well-being. These tiny yet powerful medications play a crucial role in preventing and treating worm infestations in dogs and cats. But have you ever wondered how pet worming tablets work? Look no further as we delve into the world of deworming tablets, exploring their mechanisms, effectiveness, and the options available for both dogs and cats. We'll also address the perennial question of tablets vs. liquid dewormers and explore natural worming alternatives. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how these treatments work to keep your pets healthy and thriving.

Worming Identification

What are worms in pets?

Worms are sadly a common concern for pet owners. These parasites can infest our furry companions, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. Here we'll unravel the world of worms in pets, addressing what they are, what causes them, whether all dogs and cats need worming, how to treat worm infestations, and most importantly, how to prevent them. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to keep your pets super healthy and worm-free.

Flea Treatment

How to get rid of fleas

Fleas – those pesky little insects that can turn our furry companions' lives (and ours) upside down. If you've ever experienced a flea infestation, you know just how frustrating and uncomfortable it can be. These tiny creatures are not only a nuisance but can also pose health risks to both pets and humans. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of fleas, from understanding their origins to effective methods for getting rid of them. So, if you're tired of the itching, scratching, and constant battle against the blighters, read on to discover how to reclaim your home and your pet's comfort.

Ticks Treatment

Temperatures that kill ticks

Ah, the British weather – a topic that never fails to spark conversation. From scorching summer days to frosty winter mornings, we Brits love to discuss our dull climate. But did you know that our weather isn't just a talking point? It also plays a crucial role in the lives of some less welcome guests – ticks.

Does cold affect ticks? Can you use heat to kill ticks? What are the temperatures that kill ticks? Let’s answer all the questions you might have.

Ticks Identification

Different types of ticks to be aware of

Ticks can transmit diseases and cause discomfort for our pets, but did you know that there's more than one type of tick? It's good to know your white from your brown tick, as some carry worse diseases than others. Keep reading to learn how to keep yourself, your pet and your family tick-free!

Ticks Prevention

How to prevent ticks on pets

These bloodsucking pests can transmit diseases and cause discomfort for our beloved furry companions. The good news is that with the right knowledge and proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of tick infestations. In this post, we'll explore the world of tick prevention for pets. From understanding ticks and their lifecycle to implementing preventive strategies for both dogs and cats, we'll equip you with the tools to keep your pets safe and tick-free all year-round.

Flea Treatment

What is the best flea treatment for dogs?

If you're a dog owner, you’ll know that fleas are an absolute nightmare. These tiny pests can turn your pup’s life—and yours—into an itchy misery. But don’t worry! With the right flea treatment, you can keep your furry friend flea-free and happy. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your pooch!

Flea Treatment Issues

Why is my pet still scratching after applying a flea treatment?

Not all flea treatments are created equal. So it may be the treatment you used hasn’t done the job and you need to use something stronger. Itch Flea Treatment is a vet-strength, double action spot on treatment that not only contains Fipronil but also (unlike lots of other flea treatments), (S) Methoprene. Treatments that also include (S) Methoprene, like Itch Flea Treatment not only target the adult fleas feeding on your pets and kills them dead in 24 hours (and ticks in 48 hours), but also targets flea eggs and larvae, stopping the fast and furious flea life cycle dead in its tracks to stop new fleas developing.

We asked in-house Itch vet, Dr. Zoe Costigan to give us the lowdown on why your cat or dog might still be scratching after applying a flea treatment to your pet. Here's what she had to say:

“It’s fairly normal for there to be a period of hyperactivity amongst the fleas as the active ingredients in a flea treatment take effect and this can cause an increase in your pet scratching. It should settle down after 24 hours. If after 24 hours your pet continues to scratch, there could be other things going on. Your pet could be flea-allergic, it could have a skin infection or a hormone imbalance, or other conditions which can lead to itchiness.”

Flea General

How do you get fleas in your house?

Has your pet got an itch that just won’t go away, or worse you’ve been itching yourself?! Well I hate to break it to you but it might be fleas. But how have they found their way into your home? 

Fleas are the stuff of nightmares, not just for pets but for homeowners too. Once they’ve got in, they multiply fast and before you know it you have a full blown infestation. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of fleas for good!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Do pet dental treats work?

If you’ve ever found yourself nose-to-nose with your pet and nearly keeled over from their breath, you’re not alone. Dental hygiene isn’t just a human concern—it’s just as important for our furry friends. But as much as we’d like to think our pets will sit obediently while we shove a toothbrush in their mouth, that’s not reality. Pet dental treats can do this job for us, but how and is it always the best way to keep your pet dental disease free?

Flea Identification

How long do fleas live & Do you still have fleas after treatment?

Fleas, those tiny but persistent pests, can be a real nuisance for pets and us owners. When you discover a flea infestation, you want them gone, pronto! But how long do fleas live, and do you still have fleas after treatment? In this article, we'll explore the lifespan of fleas, what happens to them after treatment, whether all treatments kill fleas immediately, and what to do if you can't seem to get rid of these pesky little critters. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of the flea lifecycle and how to effectively deal with flea infestations… easy peasy, bye-bye fleasy!

Itch Insights Humour

Date ideas for you and your dog

Valentine's Day or not, going on a date with your doggy is something all owners love. We’ve compiled our favourite ways to spend the day with your pooch - whether that be whining and dining or a long snug on the sofa - keep reading for doggy date inspiration.

Flea General, Insights

Where can you buy flea treatment?

Most pet owners believe you can only get flea treatment from the vets and even then, it should be prescribed. We’re here to tell you that’s not correct and you have a choice over what flea treatment you give your cat or dog. Keep reading to find out what the best flea treatment is for your pet and where you can buy it from!

Flea General

What is the flea life cycle and how can you break it?

Fleas can turn into a massive headache for us, pet owners. Understanding the flea life cycle is crucial to effectively fighting off infestations and keeping your pets as well as your home flea-free. Scroll to see the flea life cycle, all four stages - egg, larvae, pupae and adult - and explore how you can break it to eliminate the pests.

Flea Prevention

How to prevent fleas in dogs and cats

Fleas, those tiny, relentless creatures, can turn into a major annoyance for our beloved pets. Not only can they cause discomfort with their itchy bites, but they can also lead to more serious health issues if left unchecked. The key to keeping your furry friends flea-free is prevention. In this post we'll focus on why your dog or cat might keep getting fleas, what to do when your pet itches but you can't see fleas, and most importantly, effective strategies for preventing fleas in the first place. Let's get started by creating a comfortable and flea-free environment for your furry companions.

Flea Treatment Issues

What to do if you can't get rid of fleas after treatment?

Dealing with a flea infestation can be a frustrating and exasperating experience, especially when you've tried everything but the fleas just won't seem to go away. It's a common scenario: you've diligently applied flea treatments, cleaned your home, and taken all necessary precautions, yet those persistent pests continue to bother your pets and invade your living space. If you find yourself in this situation, don't lose hope. Here we'll delve into the reasons behind failed flea treatments, how to identify signs of treatment resistance, and explore effective solutions to finally bid those relentless fleas farewell.

Worming General

How do indoor pets get worms?

It might seem counterintuitive to worry about your pampered indoor pets contracting worms. After all, they spend most of their time on your sofa, not prowling through muddy fields or chasing squirrels in the park. However, worms love to bother stay-at-home cuddlers, as much as outdoor adventurers. It’s essential that every pet parent knows how worms find their way into your furry friend’s life, how to spot the signs of infestation, and what to do about it.

Flea Identification

Can an indoor cat get fleas?

While most of us associate fleas with outdoor adventures, but is that always the case? The answer is yes, an indoor cat can get fleas! Fleas are agile little creatures, and even the most pampered indoor kitties are not entirely immune to them. Keep reading to find out how to prevent and treat these pesky invaders.

Ticks Treatment

How to remove ticks from pets and stop them coming back

Knowing how to safely and effectively remove ticks from pets is key for their well-being. These parasites can cause a huge host of bother for us humans and our furry companions so it’s super important to have the right knowledge to sort those buggers out! Here, our in-house vet Zoe will guide you through the best treatment for ticks; the process of removing ticks from your pets, including embedded ticks and tick heads stuck in the skin. We’ll also explore ongoing tick treatment and prevention strategies to ensure these troublesome critters don't come back. Let's dive into the wonderful world of tick removal and protection for your beloved pets.

Ticks General

How long do ticks stay on pets for?

Understanding how long ticks stay on pets is so crucial for effective tick control and the overall well-being of our furry companions. Here, we delve into the world of tick lifecycles, explore the lifespan of ticks, discuss how long ticks can stay on pets, debunk common misconceptions about tick survival, and provide some insights into preventing tick infestations altogether. Let's uncover the secrets of tick duration on pets and equip ourselves with the knowledge to protect our beloved animals.

Ticks Treatment

What can kill ticks at home - Do home remedies work?

Dealing with ticks at home can be a cause for concern, especially when you're keen to keep your pets and family members safe. While ticks might be tiny, their potential health risks are significant. In the quest for tick control, many turn to home remedies, seeking natural solutions to eliminate these pests. This post explores what truly kills ticks at home, delves into common home remedies, and addresses the burning question: Do these remedies actually work? Additionally, we'll provide insights into tick treatments that have been proven effective. Let's unravel the world of tick control and find out if home remedies are up to the task!

Ticks Identification

What are ticks and where do they come from?

Ticks, those small yet potentially dangerous parasites, have a knack for making a big impact on our pets' health and our peace of mind. Understanding what ticks are, where they come from, where they live, and the potential dangers they pose to our furry companions is crucial for effective prevention and management. This post explores their origins, habitats, and the risks they bring to pets. Let's uncover the secrets of these tiny arachnids and learn how to protect our pets from their harmful effects.

Ticks Identification

What are the symptoms of ticks on pets?

Ticks are those tiny arachnids that sink their strong jaws into our beloved pets’ skin, and whilst they may be small, their impact can be huge and lead to a range of health issues. Recognising the symptoms of ticks on your pets is crucial for their well-being. This post explores the symptoms of ticks on both dogs and cats, discusses how to spot these symptoms, delves into potential tick-borne diseases, and provides guidance on what to do if you spot ticks on your furry companions. Let's uncover the secrets of identifying tick-related symptoms and keeping your pets fighting fit!

Ticks Identification

What do ticks look like on pets?

The closest thing you’ll find to a real life vampire are ticks, those pesky parasites that can attach themselves to your beloved pets and cause a host of health issues. These blood-sucking arachnids are not only uncomfortable for your furry friends but can also transmit diseases. Recognising the appearance of ticks on your pets is essential for their well-being. Here we look into what ticks are, how to spot them on your dogs and cats, share pictures so you can easily identify them, discuss effective tick treatment options, and explore preventive measures. Let's uncover the secrets of identifying ticks and keeping your pets tick-free.

Flea Identification

What do fleas look like?

Fleas, those pesky little creatures that can cause so much trouble for our beloved pets, are often hard to spot with the naked eye due to their tiny size. However, understanding what fleas look like is essential for effective prevention and treatment. Here, we explore the appearance of fleas, including pictures of fleas, their size, and the distinct features that differentiate dog fleas from cat fleas. We will also take a closer look at flea eggs and highlight other bugs that may resemble fleas, helping you to identify and deal with these nuisances.

Worming Identification

How to know if your pet needs worming

Worming is a crucial aspect of pet care which ensures that our furry companions stay healthy and free from the discomfort of worm infestations. As responsible pet owners, it's important to know when our pets need worming and to understand the signs that may indicate the presence of worms. In this post, we'll explore the subtle signs of worm infestations, discuss specific considerations for both cats and dogs, and address the question of whether worming should be done regularly. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of when to take action to keep your pets worm-free and thriving.

Worming Identification

What are the types of worms found in our pets and should you be worried?

Worms can silently invade our beloved pets' bodies and are a concern for every pet owner. But what exactly are these worms, and should you be worried? Here, we'll delve into the world of worms in pets, exploring the common types of worms that can affect them, the symptoms and causes, potential health issues, and why prevention is the key to keeping your furry friend healthy. We'll also introduce our Itch Worming Tablets and their benefits. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of worm prevention for your pet's well-being.

Worming Treatment

How to give your pet a worming tablet

Knowing how to successfully give your pet a worming tablet isn't always straight forward. Grab your pet's favourite treat, muster up some courage, and carry on reading to learn how to always give your pet their worming tablet, first time!

Worming Prevention

Why you need to deworm your pet regularly and how to do it

Intestinal worms - those nasty wrigglers can be a real bother and be unsafe for your family. Fortunately, you can prevent this being a problem with a regular pet worming regime.

Follow our advice on regularly deworming your cat or dog and you’ll be saying sayonara to those slimy little ringworms, tapeworms, whipworms and lungworms and hookworms in no time.

Worming Treatment

How to give your cat worming tablets - Without the drama!

As any cat owner will tell you, cats really don’t like to do what we ask of them at the best of times. This can be especially true where worming tablets are concerned! As much as your cat might hate taking their wormer (and as much as you might hate being the one who has to administer it) the reality is that they have to take it.

Without regular worming, cats are at risk from tapeworms, roundworms and other nasty worm parasites that can make both them and your family really poorly.

Click here to buy and read up on Itch Wormer for cats.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing, Prevention

Why you should pick up your dog's poo

Strolling through the fields in the fresh air is one of the many highs of owning a dog - that is until they start sniffing for that important, poo spot. Picking up your dog’s poo is far from glamorous but you shouldn’t turn a blind eye. It’s your duty to scoop up your dog’s poop and if you don’t, it can lead to a fine or even a poorly pooch.

Flea Treatment

Why you should continue to use flea treatment in winter

We all know fleas love the heat! But sadly this doesn’t mean they disappear in the winter… This article tells you everything you need to know about those pesky parasites during the colder months.

Flea Treatment

Do I need to treat my house if my dog has fleas?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably found a flea on your dog or your pooch is scratching excessively, which only means one thing… fleas. You might be aware that you need to act fast and treat your pet, but do you also need to treat your house? The short answer is definitely YES! Keep reading to find out how to treat your home so you can say goodbye to fleas forever.

Flea General

Is it your fault if your cat gets fleas?

For any cat riddled with fleas, it's unpleasant for the poor kitty and unpleasant for any owner to watch. With all the itching and scratching, you wouldn’t be the first owner to blame yourself for your cat getting fleas. But are you responsible? Let’s find out…

Flea Identification

5 ways to spot fleas!

Ah, fleas – the uninvited guests who think your pet’s blood is theirs to munch on. These tiny nuisances are more than just a bother; they’re a full-blown, hopping headache. But how can you tell if you’re dealing with fleas? Well, whether you’ve got a cat, a dog, or you’re just a worried homeowner, here are five tried-and-tested ways to spot the little blighters.

Flea Treatment, Prevention

How to kill fleas fast!

Fleas can catch any pet parent off guard, so knowing how to get rid of them and preventing them from coming back is extremely helpful! Whether you are tackling a flea infestation now or cluing yourself up for a potential future pest attack, this guide has the low down on all things fleas. Keep reading to get rid of fleas on your pet FAST!

Flea Treatment
White and grey cat scratching chin on tiled floor.

What is the best flea treatment for cats?

If you're a pet parent, you'll know there's nothing more frustrating than seeing and hearing your cat scratching away furiously. Fleas are an absolute nuisance, but thankfully, you can get rid of them for good with the right knowledge. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your cat!

Ticks General, Insights

Designer dogs are more prone to tick bites

Calling all poodle owners (cross-breeds included)! Your dog breed is the most at risk of getting tick bites… Read on to find out more and most importantly, how to prevent those pesky ticks. 

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing
dog ear canal up close

Why has my dog got itchy ears?

Is your dog constantly scratching at their ears, shaking their head or scraping their head against the floor? If so, your dog’s ears are bothering them and they need some help! Itchy ears are a common problem, but it’s not always an easy fix and can be a sign of more serious issues. Keep reading to find the best treatment for your dog’s itchy ears.

Worming General
brown and white cat peaking behind a wall

Can cat worms infest your home?

If you’re a cat owner, the thought of your furry friend having worms is skin crawling. And once your cat is infested by worms, you might be asking yourself all sorts of questions - Can you get worms? Can they contaminate your home? Don’t worry, we have all the answers so let’s get a wriggle on and keep your cat worm free!

Itch Insights Humour

What does your pet's breed say about you?

Cats and dogs: the two pillars of pet ownership. Whether you’re a proud dog parent or a devoted cat companion, your choice of breed—or lack thereof—might reveal more about you than you think. Our furry friends are reflections of our personalities, from their quirks to their charms. So, what does your cat or dog breed say about you? Keep reading to find out.

Flea Treatment

Why am I seeing more fleas after applying treatment to my pet?

Fleas seem to appear out of nowhere and cause endless scratching, biting, and discomfort—not just for your furry friend but for you as well! You’ve done the responsible thing, applied the flea treatment, and expected things to improve. But wait, now there seem to be more fleas! What’s going on? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Let’s dive into this scratchy conundrum and uncover what’s happening.

Flea Treatment Issues

Can you apply flea treatment wrong?

Your pet is still scratching after treatment? Spotted a flea even though you protect your pet? If this sound familiar, it’s likely your pet's flea treatment isn’t effective. In most cases, this is due to incorrect application of the product. Keep reading to find out if you’re the problem, not the treatment…

Flea Treatment

What to expect after applying flea treatment to your pet

Fleas are a nasty nuisance, so let’s make sure you kill them for good. Applying preventative treatment to your pet every month ensures any fleas that hop onto your pet are killed quickly.  It’s important to stick to some key steps when applying flea treatment to your pet. Here at Itch, we like to call these the House Rules, and they make sure the fleas on your pet will be gone, for good.

Flea Treatment

How often should you apply flea treatment to your pet?

Most people know that it’s important to treat your pet for fleas, but how often should their flea treatment be applied and why is this crucial to preventing infestation? Keep reading for top tips from Head Vet at Itch, Dr Costigan on flea treating your cat or dog.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Are you a bad owner if your dog gets fleas?

Fleas; they come out of nowhere and cause itching and scratching. Having to watch your dog go through the torment of fleas is a lot for any pet owner. But are you responsible for giving your dog fleas? 9 times out of 10, you’re not at fault but let’s delve into how your dog can get fleas so you can ditch the blame.

Flea Treatment, General

Can fleas live on clothes?

Pet parents often think that finding fleas on a pet must mean they have got infected by a neighbouring cat or picked them up somewhere in the woods - whilst these assumptions aren’t wrong, there is another way fleas can infest your home… from you! Carry on reading to find out how fleas are nestling into your clothes and jumping on your pet.

Flea Identification, Prevention

Can fleas survive the cold?

Sorry to burst your bubble but fleas aren’t just a summer problem. Whether you are in peak infestation or have dealt with pests before, it’s wishful thinking to want fleas to disappear as the temperatures drop. Scroll to find out the best way to kill fleas and get rid of them for good!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pets and Fireworks: How to keep your pet calm

Holding your shaking dog during Bonfire Night? Comforting your scaredy cat on New Year’s Eve? Don’t worry, we get it. While most people love fireworks, it’s not always our pets’ favourite time of the year - here’s our tips to help your pet stay calm amid the bangs and booms.

Itch News Products & People

The Itch Team

We’re Itch and it's our mission to help all cats and dogs stay flea-free, forever.

Itch News Products & People

We’re Here to Kill Fleas…Not the Environment

Receiving and applying your Itch flea treatment monthly, all year round, is absolutely essential to ensure that your pets are flea free, forever. 

So, it’s important that we package our products as sustainably as possible because we send out a lot of them!

Flea Prevention
two dachshunds sat on ledge with stonehedge monument behind them.

Fleas on holiday - How to keep your pet safe

Holiday mode for most of us is full relaxation and a time to recharge, but for our pets, it can be a bit more complicated. If you're taking your pet with you, there are a few things you need to keep in mind—fleas being one of the biggest concerns. These tiny critters are not only irritating for your pet but can cause some real headaches during what should be a stress-free break - carry on reading to find out!

Flea Treatment

How to use a household flea home spray

So, you’ve found fleas on your pet. Bad news: this means that they’re also highly likely to be in your home too.

The good news is that the combination of your gold-standard, Itch Flea treatment and Itch Flea Home Spray will get rid of those fleas in no time.

Itch Flea Home Spray as a one-off will kill adult fleas that are in your home. It will also prevent any new fleas from hatching for up to 12 months.

Don’t forget, once you’ve finished annihilating the adult fleas in your home, you need to stay up-to-date up with your monthly Itch Flea treatment for your cat and Itch Flea Treatment for your dog to keep your home and your pet flea-free forever.

Ticks Identification

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease might not be something you think about often, but it’s a serious bacterial infection that’s becoming increasingly common, especially in rural parts of the UK. Caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, Lyme disease is transmitted through the bite of infected ticks. While ticks are tiny, the potential consequences of a tick bite can be much more significant. Many people associate Lyme disease with the outdoors, which is partly true – however, you don’t have to be a seasoned hiker to be at risk. In fact, a simple walk through a park or garden can be enough if it’s an area known to host ticks.

Here’s a deeper look at what Lyme disease is, the symptoms and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from it.

Worming Identification
Light brown poodle scraping bum across floor. Two white shake lines near dog's bum to show itching.

Why is my dog scooting?

Caught your dog scooting across the floor? It’s likely they have worms. Let’s dive into all the reasons your dog might be scratching their bum and how you can treat their symptoms!

Ticks Treatment

Why is my dog still scratching after tick treatment?

When your pet is bitten by a tick, all sorts of alarm bells can be ringing and sometimes you can find yourself still worrying even after applying tick treatment. Let’s dive into tick bites, how to treat them and what to expect after treatment.

Worming Treatment

Can my pregnant dog use worming tablets?

Protecting your pregnant dog and her offspring from worms is crucial, as they are most susceptible during this time. Generally worming treatment isn’t recommended throughout most of your bitch’s pregnancy but they should still be protected before mating and afterwards.

Flea Treatment

Can my pregnant cat use flea treatment?

Fleas are no fun at all - especially if your cat is pregnant. Not only do flea infestations have the chance to transmit diseases, but if your cat is pregnant then her kittens may also be affected. It is important to know if using flea treatment is safe on your pregnant cat and which treatments you should avoid. Scroll to find out how to protect your cat and kittens from fleas.

Flea Prevention

Fleas aren’t just for summer: Why winter flea treatment is important

'Fleas can't bother me in winter?' Think again. Flea infestations can certainly happen in winter months, especially as we crank up the heating and our homes become warm and toasty. Let's dive into why fleas are a year-around problem, why it is important to maintain flea treatment in winter and most importantly, how to prevent them for good!

Flea Treatment

What is the most effective flea treatment for home?

Fleas are tiny, irritating pests that can turn your world upside down. Fleas live in a warm environment, close to hosts they can jump and feed on - so in your home with you and your pet, is the perfect place for fleas to thrive and breed. These little blighters can find their way into your home, by hitching a ride from you or your pet, and then hopping off as they enter the front door. So if you get hijacked by fleas, what’s the best flea treatment to treat your home and get rid of those pesky fleas for good? Keep reading to find out!

Flea General, Treatment

Can my pet catch fleas from grass in my garden?

Fleas are one of those pests that seem to pop up out of nowhere, and cause absolute chaos. When this happens, as pet parents, our first thought tends to be, how has this happened? It’s not always straightforward trying to find how your pet has got fleas, but this answer could be right under your nose (and by this, we mean outside your back door)...

Flea Treatment
puppies feeding from white furry dog

Can my pregnant dog use flea treatment?

If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of your dog picking up fleas, you'll know it's no fun at all. Not only do these tiny pests cause endless irritation for your dog, but they can also spread diseases and infest your home. Now, when your dog is expecting puppies, you might naturally have concerns about how to deal with fleas during her pregnancy. Is it safe to use flea treatment on a pregnant dog? Which treatments should you avoid, and how can you keep those pesky parasites at bay? Carry on reading to find out.

Flea Treatment

Can fleas live on bedding?

A clear sign of a flea infestation is your pet scratching more than usual, or finding the little blighters on your pet’s fur or in your home. Spotting fleas can be very simple but what about treating them? In order to get rid of fleas for good, you have to know where to the fleas will be. One of the common places they might be, is on your bedding. Scroll to find out how to zap dead all of fleas that are bothering your household and most importantly, how to prevent a full blown flea infestation.

Worming Prevention, Prevention

Is my dog more at risk of fleas and worms at the kennels?

As much as we want to take our furballs everywhere with us, sometimes it's not always an option. For most of us, pet accommodation comes in handy for when we need our pooches to be looked after whilst we are on holiday - after all in the UK, we spend a whopping £3 billion on using kennels or catteries every year*. But as you hop on a plane, what happens if fleas hop on your pet?

Ticks General

Are dogs more likely to catch ticks at the beach?

Most people think ticks are only creeping around in forests or long grass, but your dog is just as likely to get bit by a tick at the beach, as it is away from the coast. If you want to relax and not have to deal with pesky parasites on your next trip to the seaside, keep reading.

Itch Insights Insights

Worms in pets on holiday

Brits abroad? More like ticks abroad! As the Summer kicks off and we all jet off to somewhere sunny, keep your wits about you and your pet when it comes to ticks. British tourists are being warned about ‘monster ticks’ that are spreading across Europe.

Flea Identification

What are the black specks in my pet's fur?

Have you noticed some specks in your pet’s fur, do they look like black dirt? We’ll tell you all you need to know here!

Worming Treatment

Does Every Puppy Need Worming?

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyous occasion. As a responsible pet owner, you want to ensure that your furry bundle of joy grows up healthy and happy. One aspect of puppy care that can't be overlooked is worming. But does every puppy need worming? Below we'll explore the world of puppy worming, addressing whether puppies need more or less worming than adult dogs, when and how often you should worm a puppy, and even provide a helpful puppy worming calendar to keep your newest family member thriving.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pet-friendly gardens

Your home might be full to the brim of pet toys, stinky food and not to mention all the floof on your floors - but have you ever questioned if your garden is pet friendly? Scroll to find out how to pimp up your pad and give your pet the garden of their dreams.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to keep dogs cool in summer?

Suns out, tongues out! Unlike us, dogs can't sweat to cool down, which makes them more susceptible to the dangers of overheating. Keep reading to know how to help your pooch get through the unbearable British summer and the key signs to spot for heat stroke in dogs...

Ticks General

Ticks in summer - be prepared!

Ah, the joys of Summer – long dog walks in the evening, weekend naps in the sun with your cat, and unfortunately, the return of pesky ticks. Despite being tiny, ticks can pose a real threat to both us and our pets.

Worming Treatment Issues

Is your pet unwell after worming tablets?

As responsible pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends. Regular health check-ups, a balanced diet, and proper grooming are all part of ensuring our pets live their best lives.

One essential aspect of pet care is deworming, which helps protect our furry friends from internal parasites that can cause a range of health issues. However, have you ever noticed that your pet seems unwell after taking those worming tablets?

In this post, we'll explore the common concerns related to worming tablets and your pet's health, addressing topics like the time it takes for worming tablets to work, potential side effects, and how to help your pet feel better.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pet-friendly Plants

As it gets a bit warmer and your pet wants to spend more time outside, it is the purrfect time to make sure your garden is safe for your furry friend. Whether you're a dog person, cat person, or a bit of both, it’s really important to know what plants are toxic to pets!

Worming Treatment

How to kill worms for good

Worms can unexpectedly sneak into our furry friends' lives, and cause lots of discomfort and even potential health issues. But with a helping hand from Itch Pet, your pet can be a worm killing machine! Scroll for our vet-recommended tips on killing and prevent worms in your pet.

Flea General

When is peak flea season?

As pet owners, we all know that fleas can be a pesky and persistent problem. These tiny parasites can infest our furry friends, causing discomfort and potential health issues if left unchecked. Fleas are most active during certain periods of the year, which we commonly refer to as the "peak flea season." Here, we dive into the crucial information you need to know about when fleas are most active, when they come out, and whether they prefer hot or cold weather conditions. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to protect your beloved pets and your home from these bothersome critters.

Flea Identification
Brown and white king charles cavalier spaniel pulling a worried face with eyes looking to the side.

How do you know if you have fleas?

Not sure if you’ve found a flea or a black speck on your pet? Fleas are not always easy to detect, but they are quick to turn your world upside down. If left untreated, fleas can cause full infestations, leaving you, your family and your pet itchy, frustrated and uncomfortable. Knowing you’ve got fleas is the first step to getting rid of them for good! Keep reading to be a hop ahead of these pesky pests.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Hairballs in Cats

We love cats so much, but when they regurgitate a hairball it’s safe to say it’s not the most pleasant sight. Although hairballs are a normal and common occurrence for cats, it's good to know if they can cause problems and is there a way to prevent them? Don’t let hairballs be a mystery to you, scroll to find out how to keep your fluffy feline happy and healthy.

Ticks Treatment

How to remove a tick on your pet with pictures

Uh oh. You’ve found a tick (or two) on your pet. Have a little scream. Breathe. Now let’s crack on and get rid of ticks for good! Scroll for our step-by-step guide to removing a tick and how to protect your pet going forward.

Ticks Identification

Finding a dead tick on dog - What should you do?

Not sure if you’ve found a dead tick on your dog? Is it just a piece of black fluff? Have a read to spot all the signs of ticks, what you should do if you find one and how to stop it from ever happening again!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Keeping your pet calm at Christmas

For most of us, Christmas is a delightful time filled with parties, twinkling lights, and lots of food. But for our pets, it’s not always as fun. As nice as it is to decorate the house into a winter wonderland, the bustling activity, new sounds, and changes to routine can be unsettling for our furry friends. Whether you have a curious cat or an easily excitable dog, it’s important to recognise that they may struggle to stay calm amidst all the Christmas chaos. Keep reading for our tips on how to help your pet keep calm and enjoy the festivities.

Flea Identification

How Do Dogs Get Fleas?

Today, we're demystifying the age-old question: How do dogs get fleas? Join us on this itch-scratching journey as we explore what fleas are, their sneaky lifecycle, how they hitch a ride onto our furry friends, where they love to hang out, and, most importantly, how to bid them a not-so-fond farewell.

Flea Identification
white and ginger cat up close to the camera.

How Do Cats Get Fleas?

Fleas are way more than just a bit of itching and scratching, to really understand how cats get bitten by fleas, let's talk flea lifecycle, flea hideout spots and most importantly, discover how to prevent fleas hitchhiking a ride on your cat.

Flea Identification

Can pet fleas live on human hair?

Fleas – the tiny but an absolute nightmare critters that can turn your nice, peaceful household into a fest of itching and scratching. Fleas might be small in size, but they pack a punch when it comes to disrupting our comfort for us and our pets. Turns out they can hitch a ride not just on our pet's fur, but on our locks too... Scroll to find out how to get rid of fleas for good!

Flea General

Does humidity affect fleas?

Ah, fleas—the creatures with a mission to make your home a battlefield. They are notorious for causing itchy bites, relentless reproduction, and their ability to spread quicker than you can say the words ‘f*ck off fleas’. If you’ve ever had a flea infestation, you’ll know this phrase all too well.

So, fleas love a warm and humid environment. Like most, they have their preferences when it comes to climate. Scroll to see what conditions lead to flea infestation and our tips to staying flea-free forever. 

Itch Insights Humour
white and brown dog jumping in air over sand hill. flea with speech bubble, reading 'sorry mate, you can't out jump me'

How far can a flea jump?

Fleas - part-time athlete, full-time nuisance. Did you know fleas have one heck of a jump on them? It’s not that surprising then, when a flea jumps onto our pet and causes an infestation. Keep reading to find out exactly how far a flea can jump!

Ticks Treatment Issues

Which Tick Treatment Is Best - Spot on, Shampoo, Tablets, or Sprays?

When it comes to protecting our pets from ticks, there's no shortage of options on the market. You can opt for spot on treatment, shampoos, sprays, tablets or collars. But let's make sure you buy the right treatment for your furball. There's lots of pros and cons for all tick treatments, hopefully by the end of this you'll have made a decision.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Spending School Holidays With Your Pet

Ah, the school holidays – the best and worst time of our lives… Non-stop fun and frustration. As schools break up, there’s certainly a change in routine for the kids, us, and also our pets. Our furry friends are thrilled to have their hoomans around more often, but it’s not necessarily easy for them to adjust. Scroll to find out how to handle pet anxiety and for some activity inspiration where your furball is always invited!

Worming Treatment

Worms In A Multi-Pet Household

Got more than one pet? Lucky you! Maybe you aren’t so lucky though when it comes to getting rid of those wriggly worms. Handling parasite infestations are a challenge to say the least, so here’s some tips on how to deal with worms in your busy, furry-filled household.

Flea Treatment

More than a quarter of a million dogs are allergic to fleas

Do fleas cause your pooch more hassle than just a bit of itching and scratching? Well if so, it’s a high chance they are having an allergic reaction. According to ESCCAP, (European Scientific Counsel Companion Parasites) just over 265,000 dogs are allergic to fleas*. Don’t panic though, we have all the information you need to gear up and fight those fleas, just keep reading!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Urinary Issues in Cats

The most common urinary issue in cats is feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD).

Urinary infections don’t pick and choose, they affect all cats regardless of age and gender.* So as something that is likely to bother your feline, be on it when it comes knowing the signs and symptoms!

Let's start with a little bit of context. What is Feline lower urinary tract disease? It is in fact an umbrella term often used to describe problems affecting the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) of cats. This could be something along the lines of a urinary obstruction or infection.

Worming Treatment

Does every kitten need worming?

Kittens, them little cuties. But as with any pet, their health and wellbeing should be a top priority. Worming is an essential aspect of kitten care, but questions often arise about when and how often it should be done. Keep reading to understand the world of kitten worming!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Does your vet really care about your pet?

Sending your pet to the vet is never going to be a cheap day out but the record shows that the cost of vet consultations and treatments are at an all time high, and it’s not going to slow down any time soon. On average, a trip to the vets in this day and age will cost you around £400.* Don’t fall into the vet bill trap, scroll to find our top tips to get the best bang for your buck when looking after your pup.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

47% increase in flea infestations in 2023... Why?!

Flea infestations rose by a whopping 47% last year and if this year is anything like 2023, it’s more important than ever to keep your pets and home protected against these pesky parasites!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Travelling with your pet

Whether it's a road trip to the countryside or on a ferry across the channel, our furballs are a part of the family so it only makes sense to bring them along. However, while we may be excited about the adventure ahead, our pets don’t always share the same enthusiasm. Some can find the experience stressful and uncomfortable - does this sound a little too familiar? Check out our tips and tricks for unsettled pets.

Flea General

‘Flea Gate’: How Boris Johnson should have handled Downing Street

Annoying, blood-sucking creatures in Downing Street? - And no,we’re not talking about politicians. In Liz Truss’ recently released memoir, she claims Number 10 was infested with fleas thanks to Boris Johnson’s poor little dog, Dilyn. Clearly he didn’t have a subscription to Itch. Showing us the ex Prime Minister was clueless in the face of a flea infestation. We’re here to help you get more clued up than Bojo. Here’s what to do if you find yourself the unlucky target of a flea infestation, and more importantly, how to stay one step ahead.

Ticks Treatment

Will Ticks Fall Off on Their Own?

Ah, the great outdoors! Most of us love nothing more than a brisk walk in the countryside or a run around in the park with our furry companions. But along with the joys of nature come some pesky nuisances, one of which is the humble tick. These tiny, blood-sucking creatures may be small, but they can cause big problems for both pets and their owners if left unchecked.

Ticks Prevention

How to Keep Them Out of Your House

Ticks are pesky little creatures that can not only wreak havoc on your pets but also invade your home if given the chance. It’s important to know what attracts ticks to your house, where they hang out in your homes, and most importantly, how to get rid FOR GOOD!

Flea General

Can Fleas Eventually Kill a Pet?

Ah, the pesky little critters known as fleas - the bane of every pet owner's existence. These minuscule blood-suckers may seem insignificant at first glance, but don't let their size fool you. Fleas are not just annoying; they can pose serious health risks to our beloved furry friend if left unchecked.

Fleas are tiny insects that thrive on the blood of mammals, including our cherished pets. They can easily infest our homes and latch onto pets, nestle in their fur and cause a handful of problems if not dealt with promptly and properly.

Flea Identification

Flea droppings - A sign of infestation?

Ah, the notorious flea. Just the thought of them is enough to make your skin itch. If you're a pet owner or have ever encountered these tiny, pesky critters, you know the struggle is real. But what about flea droppings?

Flea General

Flea facts - 7 Things To Know About Fleas

EW, fleas! Tiny, persistent pests that can turn your pet's life into an itching nightmare and leave you feeling like you're in a battle you just can't win. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a newcomer to the world of fluff everywhere, understanding the ins and outs of fleas is crucial. Read on to learn our top 7 facts on fleas, how to prevent them and how to treat fleas if you do unfortunately get struck by an infestation.

Flea Treatment

Flea Treatments - Spot On vs Shampoo vs Collar

Ah, the bane of every pet owner's existence: fleas. Those tiny, jumping nuisances can wreak havoc on both your furry friend and your home. Don’t worry, there are many options to remove fleas, but which is the best for you? Read on to learn all about flea treatments, what preventatives are out there and what we at Itch, recommend.

Worming Identification

What Are The Ingredients In Pet Worming Tablets

The ever so interesting topic of worms, said no one ever. Let’s cut the cr*p, as pet owners worming your animal is not at all that glamorous and it can be a task we very easily forget. As much as this might be the case, doing right by our pet comes first and knowing a little bit more about boring old worms will help you act fast to prevent any serious issues (and of course sky high vet bills).

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding Anxiety In Dogs

Let's talk about a topic that's close to many of our hearts: anxiety in dogs. Our furry friends can experience stress and anxiety just like us, and as responsible pet parents, it's essential to understand the signs, treatments, and ways to alleviate our canine companions' anxiety.

Flea Identification

How To Prepare For Flea Season This Spring

As Spring blooms and the weather warms up, it's that time again... Peak flea season. These pesky pests can jump on your pets and really make themselves at home, but with the right preparation and preventive measures, they can be kept at bay. We all want a happy and itch-free home for ourselves and our pets, so let’s dive into how to prepare and prevent fleas this Spring!

Flea Identification

What Does A Flea Bite Look Like?

In this article, we'll embark on a journey to understand the intricacies of flea bites, explore the telltale signs, and equip you with the knowledge to spot these tiny intruders. So, grab a cuppa, settle in with your pet, and let's unravel the itchy mysteries of flea bites together.

Ticks Treatment

How To Remove A Tick From A Dog’s Ear

Removing a tick from our pet can be a tricky task and it’s not every day that you have to remove one of these tiny bloodsuckers from your dog’s ear. As the warmer months approach, it's essential to be prepared for tick season and knowing how to handle parasites. Ticks can pose major health risks to dogs, and removing them quickly is crucial to prevent potential complications. Let’s help keep your furry friends healthy, happy and tick-free!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Labradors At 5 Years Old - Understanding Hypothyroidism

As our beloved labs hit the milestone of 5 years old, it's essential to stay vigilant about their health. Here we'll talk you through Hypothyroidism - a condition which often affects Labs, and many common medium-large dog breeds. It can have significant impacts on your pup's well-being, so let's explore what it's all about and how to navigate it together.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Labradors At 2 Years Old - Understanding Dental Disease

Hey Lab lovers! Let's talk about a crucial aspect of our furry friends' health: dental care. As our Labradors hit the ripe age of 2, they become particularly susceptible to dental disease. A dog's lifespan can be shortened by 1-3 years if they get dental disease, so it's essential to pay close attention to their dental health to ensure they lead happy and healthy lives. So, grab a biscuit (for you or your Lab, your choice!) and let's delve into the world of dental disease in Labs together!

Worming Identification

Can Pets Get Worms From Fleas?

The relationship between these pesky parasites can be puzzling, but fear not – in this article, we'll uncover the truth behind the connection between fleas and worms  and explore how you can protect your beloved pets from these unwelcome intruders!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding Cat Anxiety & Stress

If you've ever noticed your cat acting a bit more withdrawn, hiding away, or engaging in unexpected behaviours, you might be witnessing the subtle signs of cat anxiety and stress. This article will unravel the mysteries behind feline stress, explore the telltale signs, and introduce a magical solution – pheromone diffusers.

Flea Identification

Are Fleas And Ticks The Same Thing?

If you've ever found yourself wondering whether fleas and ticks are one and the same, you're not alone. These tiny creatures often cause confusion due to their similar size and the discomfort they bring to our furry friends. Fear not, we’ll explain what makes fleas and ticks unique, how to distinguish between them, and most importantly, how to effectively treat and prevent these persistent pests.

Flea General

New Pet Owners Guide To Flea Treatment & Prevention

In this guide tailored for new pet owners, we'll navigate the world of flea treatment and prevention, covering the specific needs of your puppy or kitten, guidelines for adult dogs and cats, crafting a flea treatment schedule, and why the age-old adage 'prevention is better than cure' holds true in the realm of fleas. So, grab a cuppa, snuggle up with your furball, and let's embark on this flea-fighting adventure together.

Flea General

Pet Flea Treatments - Are They Safe For Humans?

Today, we’re exploring the various types of flea treatment available, addressing the burning question – are they safe for humans? Join us as we unravel the safety web, covering what happens if you come into contact with flea treatments, whether they are safe to ingest accidentally, and crucially, how to handle these treatments safely. So, let's dive in and demystify the safety aspects of pet flea treatments.

Flea Treatment

How To Kill Fleas For Good

The persistent presence of fleas can have a knack for making our pets' lives itchy and uncomfortable. But fear not! This article explores the ins and outs of these persistent pests and unveils the secrets to killing fleas for good.

Worming Treatment

Worms In Pets - Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

Worms are tiny troublemakers that can sneak into our pets' lives, causing discomfort and potential health issues. Fear not, though! This article explores the signs, symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures to ensure your furry companions live their best, worm-free lives.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How To Stay Flea Free In 2024

With flea infestations up 47% in 2023, it’s important to get yourself prepped for 2024 to keep your pets, home and self happy and healthy! This article gives you our top tips on how to prevent these pesky parasites from taking over 2024.

Ticks Treatment

What Is Dog Tick Paralysis (And Should You Be Worried)?

This article delves into a topic that may sound ominous but is essential for every responsible pet owner to understand – dog tick paralysis. Join us as we navigate through the intricacies of dog tick paralysis, from its overview to symptoms, causes, treatment, recovery, and most importantly, how to prevent this concerning condition. Let's embark on this informative journey together!

Ticks Treatment

4 Tick Removal Myths We've Busted!

Greetings, pet enthusiasts! We're on a mission to demystify the world of tick removal. Ticks, those tiny but troublesome arachnids, can be a real concern for our furry friends. This article bust some common tick removal myths and equips you with the knowledge you need to properly and safely handle these persistent pests. Let's dive in!

Ticks Identification

All You Need To Know About Hard Ticks (Ixodidae Tick)

Today, we're exploring the world of hard ticks, members of the Ixodidae family. Join us as we unravel the mysteries surrounding these arachnids, from their various types to their life cycle, and discover how to treat and prevent encounters with these stealthy creatures.

Ticks Prevention

Where Are Ticks Found Most In The UK?

We're embarking on a journey through the UK's landscapes to uncover the secret hideouts of those tiny but formidable foes – ticks. Join us as we explore what ticks are, why they're a concern for our beloved pets, and pinpoint the specific regions where these persistent arachnids are found most in the UK. Buckle up, and let's embark on a tick-tracking adventure!

Ticks Prevention

What To Look For In A Good Prevention Spray

Greetings, fellow pet enthusiasts! Today, we're embarking on a journey into the world of tick prevention sprays – those magical elixirs designed to shield our furry companions from those ticks. Join us as we explore the intricacies of ticks, understand how tick prevention works, dissect the essential components of a good tick prevention spray, and discover why our Itch Flea Home Spray (kills ticks and lice - triple whammy!) stands out in the crowd.

Ticks Prevention

The Animals That Can Pass Ticks & Fleas To Your Pet

Today, we're delving into the clandestine world of tick and flea transmission among our beloved pets. Our four-legged companions can unwittingly become hosts to these pesky parasites through encounters with other animals. Here, we uncover the creatures that play a role in tick and flea transmission, and learn how to protect our furry friends from these sneaky invaders.

Ticks Identification

Top Places Ticks Hide on Your Pets

Welcome, fellow pet detectives! Today, we're embarking on a mission to uncover the secret hiding spots of those elusive ticks. Ticks and pets, it's a tale as old as time, and as responsible pet owners, it's our duty to know where these little critters like to play hide and seek. This article reveals the top places they cunningly conceal themselves on your beloved furry friends.

Ticks Treatment

How To Dispose Of A Removed Tick

Ticks can turn a peaceful stroll into a health concern for our furry friends. While much is said about the importance of removing ticks, the question of what to do with these unwelcome hitchhikers once they've been ousted often remains unanswered. Here we delve into the world of tick disposal, exploring the best ways to bid farewell to these persistent pests and how to prevent their unwelcome return.

Ticks General

Do Ticks Jump?

The world of ticks is a miniature realm filled with mysteries, and as pet owners, it's only natural to wonder about their peculiar habits. One burning question that often pops up is, "Do ticks jump?". This post looks at the intricacies of tick behaviour as we explore what ticks are, how they find their way onto our beloved pets, and the truth behind the jumping myth.

Ticks General

What Are The Active Ingredients In Tick Sprays?

The great outdoors – a haven for adventure, but also a battleground against tiny but formidable foes: ticks. To navigate this skirmish successfully, many pet owners turn to tick sprays. But what exactly goes into these magic potions? This article talks you through the common tick spray ingredients, their purposes, and how they differ, uncovering the secrets of keeping those persistent arachnids at bay.

Ticks General

Can Humans Get Ticks?

Ticks can turn a pleasant outdoor adventure into a potential health concern. While we often associate ticks with our furry friends, the question lingers: Can humans get ticks? Let's delve into the world of ticks, unravel their habits, and explore how we can protect ourselves and our pets from these persistent little arachnids.

Ticks General

Fleas vs Ticks - All You Need To Know!

Fleas and ticks – the unwelcome guests that can turn your pet's paradise into an itchy battleground. While these tiny adversaries share a common goal of making our pets uncomfortable, they have distinct characteristics and behaviours. Let's dive into the world of fleas and ticks, unravelling the mysteries of these miniature pests.

Flea General

Can Pet Fleas Live On Clothing?

Fleas are a nuisance of the best times when on your beloved pets, but even more so if they make the leap to you! This article gets you up to speed with the flea lifecycle, answers the burning question of can fleas live on clothing? And how to get rid of the blighters and stop them making an unwelcome return!

Flea Treatment

What To Do If Your Pet Has Fleas And Sleeps In Your Bed?

Fleas can turn your cosy home into an itchy battleground, especially when they decide to share your bed with your furry friend… three’s definitely a crowd! This article gives you all the best tips for how to deal with a duvet stealing pooch who’s also fighting fleas!

Flea General

Can Cats Be Allergic To Fleas?

Fleas can turn a cat's peaceful existence into an itchy nightmare. While the mere thought of these pesky critters is enough to make any cat owner shudder, it's crucial to delve into the impact fleas can have on our feline friends. In this guide, we'll explore how fleas affect cats, how to spot them on your furry companion, and the pressing question – can cats be allergic to fleas?

Flea Identification

How To Spot Fleas In Your Carpet

Spotting fleas in your carpet may seem like a tricky task, given their size and knack for hiding. In this guide, we'll explore how to detect these tiny troublemakers, what fleas look like, and, most importantly, how to bid them a not-so-fond farewell.

Flea General

Can Dog Fleas Jump To Humans?

Let's talk about fleas (*groan*) the tiny, agile creatures that can turn a peaceful pet-filled home into a buzzing hub of discomfort. If they’re on your dog, does that mean they can get onto you too?! This article reveals all…

Flea Identification

Can A Puppy Get Fleas?

The wonderful world of puppies… the boundless energy, the adorable antics, and, yes, the potential for pesky fleas. Fleas are tiny but mighty nuisances that can make your puppy's life less enjoyable. This article explores the possibility of puppies getting fleas, how it can happen even if they don't venture outdoors, and, most importantly, how to prevent and treat these unwanted critters.

Worming Identification

Hookworm Lifecycle - What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Pet?

There are many different types of worms that can sadly cause problems for our pooches and feline friends - this post talks all about hookworm so you’ll know exactly what you're up against and how to prevent your pets from having a nasty run in with it!

Worming Identification

Whipworm Lifecycle - What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Pet?

There are lots of different types of worms that can cause problems for our pooches and feline friends - in this article we’ll talk all about whipworm so you’ll know exactly what you're up against and how to stop your pets from having to deal with it!

Worming Identification

Roundworm Lifecycle - What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Pet?

There are a few main types of worms that can cause problems for our pets - here we’ll discuss the ins and outs of roundworm so you’ll know exactly what you're up against and how to prevent your pets from having to deal with it!

Worming Identification

Heartworm lifecycle - What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Pet?

Sadly, there are many different types of worms that can cause problems for our cats and dogs - in this article we’ll discuss heartworm in detail so you’ll know exactly what you're up against and how to prevent your pets from having to deal with it hopefully!

Ticks Identification

Are Ticks Still A Problem For Your Pet In Winter?

Ticks are those tiny yet troublesome creatures that are well-known for the potential health risks they pose to our beloved pets. But as winter arrives, many pet owners wonder if they can breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that ticks hibernate until spring. So, are ticks still a problem for your pet in winter? Let's delve into this tickly topic.

Ticks Treatment

How To Remove Tick Head Stuck In Pet

Ticks, those tiny bloodsuckers, can become an unexpected hitchhiker on your pet's fur. Removing them properly is crucial to avoid potential health risks. But what if you've removed a tick, and its head is still embedded in your pet's skin? This article dives into the world of tick removal, exploring what happens when you try to remove a tick, why tick heads get stuck in pets, the potential dangers, and how to safely and effectively remove ticks for good. By the end, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to tackle tick removal with ease.

Flea Treatment

Do Natural Flea Treatments Actually Work?

Fleas, the tiny terrors that can turn your pet's life into an itchy, uncomfortable ordeal. When faced with a flea infestation, many pet owners seek solutions that are safe and natural. But do these natural flea treatments actually work? In this blog post, we'll discuss the world of natural flea remedies, exploring common options, assessing their effectiveness, and discovering which ones are worth considering. We'll also introduce you to Itch Flea treatment and explain why it’s so fab as an effective preventative treatment. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether natural flea treatments are the right choice for your furry friend.

Flea Treatment

Does Flea Shampoo Actually Work?

Fleas can turn your pet's life into a scratching frenzy. When you're faced with a flea infestation, you want a solution that works, and fast. One option many pet owners consider is flea shampoo. But does flea shampoo actually work? In this blog post, we’ll explore shampoos, how they are supposed to work, their effectiveness, and alternative methods for treating fleas. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether flea shampoo is the right choice for your furry friend.

Flea Treatment Issues

Why Does My Pet Keep Getting Fleas?

Fleas – they're the pesky little critters that can turn your pet's life into an itchy nightmare. If you've found yourself repeatedly dealing with fleas on your furry friend, you're not alone. If you’re sat wondering why does my dog keep getting fleas? Why does my cat keep getting fleas? Then wonder no more! In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of fleas, exploring what they are, what attracts them to your pet, and the various factors that contribute to this persistent problem. We'll also discuss how to treat fleas permanently, with a focus on Itch Flea treatment to help you prevent and protect your pets. By the end, you'll be armed with the knowledge to keep those fleas at bay for good.

Flea Treatment

Should You Bathe a Pet With Fleas?

Fleas, the bane of every pet owner's existence. When you suspect your furry friend has these tiny terrors, you might wonder if giving them a good bath will do the trick. Should you bathe a pet with fleas? In this blog post, we'll dive into this question, exploring the nuances of dealing with fleas and bathing your pet. We'll discuss whether your pet actually has fleas, the pros and cons of bathing them, what to do after treatment, and how to prevent future flea infestations. By the end, you'll have a clearer picture of when and how to bathe your poor flea-afflicted pet.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How Often Should you Wash your Dog?

You love your dog - that's a given - but at times, they’re probably the most gross creature you’ve ever met. From rolling around in poop in the woods to burying dead seagull carcasses at the beach, they don’t do themselves any favours in the smell department!

In these cases it’s smart to stick them straight in the bath as soon as you get home. But how do you know when to give them a bath the rest of the time?

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to Keep Your Cat Cool in the Summer

Just like us humans, many cats enjoy spells of warmer weather! However, they can also overheat and risk developing complications such as heat stroke. Cats more at risk of illness as a result of the mercury rising include very old or young cats, cats with a dense, fluffy coat and those with pre-existing medical conditions. 

Felines with flat faces (you might hear these being referred to as brachycephalic breeds) like Persian cats and Scottish folds also have a harder time regulating their temperatures because of their shorter nasal passages.

 Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do as a cat parent to keep your puss comfortable and extra chill in warm weather!

Itch Insights Humour

What Your Pet's Sleeping Position Really Means

According to our research, two thirds (65%) of British pet owners will share the bed with their cat or dog tonight. It’s understandable. It can be hard to resist those puppy-dog eyes, or that loving purr when our pet's come to settle in for the night. 

 But did you know that by observing our pet's sleeping position, we can tell a lot about the special pet-owner bond we share with them?

We wanted to know more, so asked 2,000 Brits to reveal the 10 most common sleeping positions we adopt with our four-legged friends, and enlisted the help of leading animal behaviourist, Professor Peter Neville to give us insight into their meaning.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pheromone Diffusers for Cats - How Do They Work?

Not all cats are cool cats all the time. If your kitty is showing signs of stress or anxiety, there’s one method that’s been proven to help them feel safe, happy and relaxed, and that’s a plug-in pheromone diffuser for cats.

Flea Treatment

How to Apply Itch Flea Treatment to your Dog

Amazing news! When applied correctly, Itch Flea Treatment for dogs is 100% fast and effective at killing fleas on dogs and puppies!

However, the 'when applied correctly' bit is pretty important.

We know it's not always that easy, so we've put together a quick guide on the best way to apply Spot-On Flea treatment to your dog or puppy.

Flea Treatment

How to Apply Itch Flea Treatment to your Cat

Great news! When applied correctly, Itch Flea treatment for cats is 100% fast and effective at killing fleas on cats and kittens!

However, the 'when applied correctly' bit is quite important…

We know it's not always that easy, so we've put together a quick guide on the best way to apply Spot-On Flea treatment to your cat or kitten.

Itch News Itch Ambassadors

All About Itch Ambassadors

Itch Ambassadors are the highest ranking pets in the Itch Pack. These hand-picked special envoys have great faces, floofy coats and an appetite for the very best! And you, their trusty human, creates top quality content that shows them off at their very best. We see you and we appreciate your efforts.

Flea Treatment

Fleas - Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

We're tackling a topic that every responsible pet owner should be well-versed in – fleas. Join us as we explore the signs, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies to ensure your pet's well-being and your home's peace. Let's dive into the fascinating world of fleas!

Flea Identification

Fleas Or Mites - What Is Causing My Dog’s Itchy Ears?

If you've noticed your furry friend scratching at their ears incessantly, you might be wondering what's causing all that discomfort. Itchy ears can be a sign of various issues, but two common culprits are fleas and mites. In this blog post, we'll delve into the differences between fleas and mites, how they affect our dogs' ears, and most importantly, how to alleviate your pup's itchiness and prevent future infestations. Let's get started!

Ticks Identification

How To Prepare For Ticks In Spring

As the seasons change and spring approaches, it's time to gear up for the return of tick season. Ticks can be a nuisance for both pets and humans alike, but with the right preparation and preventive measures, you can keep your furry friends safe and tick-free. In this post, we'll take a closer look at ticks, tick season, and how you can prepare for the upcoming influx of these pesky parasites. So, let's dive in and get ready to tackle tick season head-on!

Worming Identification

What Do Worms In Pets Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what those pesky worms lurking in your pet's system actually look like? Well, you're in luck! This article explores their appearance, symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods.

Worming Treatment

Should I Use Dewormer When My Pet Is Pregnant?

If you're expecting a litter of kittens or have a pregnant pooch in your care, you might be wondering about the safety of deworming treatments. Deworming is a crucial aspect of pet care, but when it comes to pregnant pets, there are understandable concerns about the potential risks. Fear not – in this article, we'll shed light on the best practices for keeping both mum and her babies healthy.

Worming Identification

Does Raw Meat Cause Worms In Dogs?

Today, we're diving into a topic that's often surrounded by myths and misconceptions: whether raw meat causes worms in dogs. Worm infestations are a common concern for pet owners, and the debate over the role of raw meat in causing them has been ongoing. So, let's separate fact from fiction and explore the truth behind this issue, along with effective treatments and preventive measures to keep your furry friend healthy and worm-free.

Worming Treatment

When Should I Deworm My Pet?

Deworming is an essential aspect of pet care, but knowing when to administer these treatments can be puzzling. Here, we’ll run you through best practices for deworming your pet so you’re all in the know for next time it comes around!

Worming Treatment

Do Indoor Cats Need Worming?

Just because your cat prefers the cosiness of a home at all times, does this mean they still need worming? This article will tell you all you need to know!

Worming Identification

Tapeworm Lifecycle - What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Pet?

There are many different types of worms that can cause problems for our beloved pets - in this article we’ll talk all about tapeworm so you’ll know exactly what you're up against and how to prevent your pets from having a nasty run in with it!

Worming Identification

Worms In Your Pets - How Do They Get There?

Here we’ll explore what worms and intestinal parasites are, the various ways our pets can unwittingly become hosts, how to effectively treat worm infestations, and, most importantly, how to create a fortress to prevent these unwelcome guests. Let's navigate the intricate world of intestinal invaders and ensure our furry friends stay happy and healthy.

Flea Treatment

Flea Injections For Cats And Dogs

There are many many options for flea treatment these days, which can be overwhelming as a pet parent to say the least! This article takes a look at flea injections and uncovers the pros and cons of this flea treatment.

Flea Treatment

What Type Of Flea Treatment Is Best For Your Pet?

The market is brimming with choices, each promising to be the magic wand that banishes those pesky fleas. In this guide, we'll demystify the world of flea treatments, comparing the merits of spot-on treatments, flea collars, tablets, and flea shampoo. So, grab a cuppa, gather your furry sidekick, and let's navigate the flea battleground together.

Flea Treatment

The Different Active Ingredients In Flea Treatments

Here we’ll explore the world of flea treatment ingredients, focusing on the formidable duo of Fipronil and (S) Methoprene, as well as exploring just Fipronil, Imidacloprid and the realm of prescription-strength solutions. So, let's decode the secrets behind effective flea control so you can live that flea free life!