Brown and white king charles cavalier spaniel pulling a worried face with eyes looking to the side.

How do you know if you have fleas?

Table of Contents


What do fleas look like? 

Where do fleas live?

What to do if you find a flea

How to prevent fleas

Not sure if you’ve found a flea or a black speck on your pet? Fleas are not always easy to detect, but they are quick to turn your world upside down. If left untreated, fleas can cause full infestations, leaving you, your family and your pet itchy, frustrated and uncomfortable. Knowing you’ve got fleas is the first step to getting rid of them for good! Keep reading to be a hop ahead of these pesky pests.

What do fleas look like? 

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that can jump pretty far. They are nearly invisible to the eye and look like a small black parasite to the eye (under the microscope fleas are actually brown though). With their ability to jump around 30 cm in one go, fleas have no problem leaping from host to host, i.e. your pet. Once the flea is latched on, they will take a nibble at your pet’s blood and multiply as they go.

Did you know? There are 62 flea species with the most common being cat fleas.*

Where do fleas live?

It seems fleas just pop into our lives out of nowhere, but they tend to be hiding in plain sight. They usually hitch a ride into our homes on our pets or even on us. Fleas thrive in warm and humid environments, making your pet's fur or your cosy home the ideal breeding ground. Flea eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult fleas can be found in various stages of development within your home, especially in areas where your pets spend most of their time, such as their bedding (and yours!), carpets and furniture.

What to do if you find a flea

Spotting fleas on your pet (or in your home) is far from ideal, but here’s how to remove fleas after you notice them...

  • Protect your pet - Get to work with applying a vet-approved flea treatment to your pet, like Itch Flea Treatment for Dogs or Itch Flea Treatment for Cats. It’s recommended to keep your pets on preventative treatment monthly to make sure they are protected all year round. Spot-on treatments, like Itch Flea act as instant killer to adult fleas and attack all stages of the flea lifecycle, to stop the chance of infestation.

  • Spray your home - So you've protected your pet, now it's time to protect your home. Household flea sprays can help eliminate fleas in hard-to-reach areas. The Itch Flea Home Spray for Homes is effective at killing fleas at all life stages, adults to eggs — and any dust mites too — from the very first spray.

  • Groom your pet - Try to wash, brush and comb your pet several times a week, to help remove adult fleas, eggs, and flea dirt (flea poo!) from your pet’s fur. Keeping your pet freshly groomed doesn't just make them look good, but helps you spot fleas quicker and act accordingly.

  • Wash bedding and toys - Now get cleaning! Regularly wash your pet’s bedding, toys, and other washable items in a minimum of 60°C to kill fleas and their eggs. Keep this up whilst you eradicate the infestation.

  • Vacuum - Hoover your home thoroughly, paying special attention to areas where your pet spends their time. Dispose of the vacuum bag or carefully empty the canister after each use. Keep hoovering throughout your battle with fleas, we recommend everyday for up to a week after you find your first flea. One wizz around the house is never enough!

How to prevent fleas

It would be nice to never have to deal with a flea infestation right? Being prepared means you won’t have to. These are our tips for preventing fleas on your pet:

  • Regularly apply flea treatment to your pet

    Using vet-approved preventative flea treatment, will ensure full protection for your pet around the clock (not just in Summer time). Itch Flea Treatment for Dogs or Itch Flea Treatment for Cats kills adult fleas within 24 hours, halts all other flea life stages in their tracks and stops any new fleas tormenting your pet.

  • Stick to the Itch house rules

    House rules? These are all the steps you must follow after application to ensure the flea treatment is 100% effective on your pet:

    • Keep' em dry. Your pet can't get wet for 48 hours.

    • Don’t touch the treated area. Hands off.

    • No licking the treated area (your pet, not you…).

    • Don't share your bed with your pet on the night your pet is treated.

    • Treat all your pets in your household at the same time, ideally in the evening.

    • Weigh your pet regularly and tell us about any changes so that we can adjust their dose.

  • Use flea control products

    Regularly using flea control products will kill fleas instantly. Fleas sprays for your pet or for your home can help keep fleas out of your space for good. Invest in effective flea repellents, like the Itch Flea Home Spray for Homes which kills all adult fleas for up to 2 months in one blast!

  • Limit outdoor exposure

    It’s difficult to keep track of where your pets roam, especially cats but try to limit their time in woodland and areas where wildlife live. Pets are more likely to pick up fleas outdoors, and once the fleas are in your home… Infestation strikes!

  • Maintain a clean environment

    Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments. Regularly hoovering your home, washing your pet's bedding (at 60°C folks - no less!), and cleaning areas of where your pets spend a lot of time, will help reduce the chances of flea attacks.

A flea infestation can really pop up out of nowhere, so don’t let any surprises come your way and be prepared to kill each and every one of them pesky pests!

Where we got the facts from?

* 2024, Bournemouth Echo, Source:

Get rid of fleas, ticks AND lice... and stop them coming back!

Fleas, ticks and lice can be a nightmare, but with the right approach, you can take control and rid your pets and home of these bothersome pests. Remember that parasites can be persistent, so patience and regular treatment will be your best friends! By addressing both your pet and their environment, you can ensure a flea-free and comfortable living space for both your furry companion and your family.



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