We’re Here to Kill Fleas…Not the Environment

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We’ve given our flea treatment a makeover!

That's not all though...

Receiving and applying your Itch flea treatment monthly, all year round, is absolutely essential to ensure that your pets are flea free, forever. 

So, it’s important that we package our products as sustainably as possible because we send out a lot of them!

We’ve given our flea treatment a makeover!

We’ve worked hard with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) to introduce an industry leading change to our hero product, Itch Flea. We’ve removed the outer carton, so regular Itch subscribers will receive Itch Flea in just its sexy foil jacket! We’ve ensured all the information a pet parent needs is now printed on the inside of the foil, rather than the outer carton or product information leaflet. For every 100 trucks we used to stack with Itch Flea boxes, with the new Itch Flea foil, there will now only be 30. You’re right, it’s not rocket science, but this improvement alone will save 13 tonnes of waste paper this year and reduce our carbon emissions!

There are a few more ways that we try and do our bit for more than just pets:

  • Our treat pouches are 100% recyclable, ink included!

  • We send our goodies out in a recyclable cardboard box (which is also made of recycled materials)

  • We also use a Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) mailer bag to protect your goodies. They’re fully recyclable, waterproof, strong, and of course – still personalised!

We’ve opted to get rid of cardboard boxes for our subscription customers, from month two onwards. Removing the extra packaging means that we can fit more packages in our courier’s lorries and make a more efficient journey to your doorstep - reducing our carbon pawprint. Don’t worry, we still want all your goodies inside to be super protected, so we’ve upgraded our mailer bags to be even more durable than they were before, plus they can be recycled at large supermarkets (or check your local council for kerbside recycling)!

That's not all though...

If there’s a way to make our impact on the planet even smaller, you can bet we’re on a mission to sniff it out.

That's why we are now also asking that our team here at Itch play their part to minimise our impact on the environment in order to leave a better world for future generations (pup and human alike!) Read all about what we've been up to here:

    The Itch Green Team is on a mission to minimise waste and reduce our carbon footprint at Itch HQ. Here are some of our initiatives: strict recycling policies, eco-friendly office supplies, energy saving light bulbs, and much much more.

    Our manufacturing process uses 100% renewable energy sources and we aim to expand this across our distribution process in future. We are proud to be working towards the goal to have zero waste sent to landfill and 100% of non-hazardous waste to be recycled, all by 2025. 

    Spending time together while doing our part to help clean up parks, forests and beaches? We’d call that a win win.

    We’re proud to say we’ve just launched our own team marketplace where colleagues can sell, borrow or give items to promote a circular economy.

    There is so much more to be done outside of Itch HQ, so we are really keen to get stuck in with community projects and support local charities. So far, we've donated over 5% of our profits of pet goodness to local charities working to aid furballs that need just that extra bit of help.

Get rid of fleas, ticks AND lice... and stop them coming back!



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What Your Pet's Sleeping Position Really Means

According to our research, two thirds (65%) of British pet owners will share the bed with their cat or dog tonight. It’s understandable. It can be hard to resist those puppy-dog eyes, or that loving purr when our pet's come to settle in for the night. 

 But did you know that by observing our pet's sleeping position, we can tell a lot about the special pet-owner bond we share with them?

We wanted to know more, so asked 2,000 Brits to reveal the 10 most common sleeping positions we adopt with our four-legged friends, and enlisted the help of leading animal behaviourist, Professor Peter Neville to give us insight into their meaning.